The organization's mission is to help people through life which includes: to promote thrift among its members; to establish, on a cooperative basis, facilities for savings; to provide credit for provident and productive purposes; to provide assistance to its members for effective use of their assets and resources; and all activities necessary and incidental thereto.
Dividends paid to members on approximately (638,000) deposit accounts held by approximately 332,205 members (dividends $21,605,181, including a special patronage dividend of $8,060,897). direct labor and employee benefits costs incurred to provide deposit services, originate loans ($1. 58 billion for 2016) and service loans for members (expenses $52,472,793). branch office occupancy and operations services 31 brick and mortar branches plus a call center provides physical locations for person to person financial services (expenses $16,998,552. No direct related income).