114th Partnership Inc


Mcbres mission is to ensure students graduate prepared and inspired to thrive in college and careers. In 2011, at the request of others wanting to learn and benefit from our experience, that effort was expanded to include students outside of the historical montgomery county (md) service area. Montgomery county public school students (over 150,000) are served by a suite of programs, including student directed efforts that connect classroom learning to future careers and leadership development efforts build the system's capacity to deliver on their college and career ready academic goals. Students outside of montgomery county (md) are served via the 114th partnership, which develops and creates products and services for use by other communities of educators and non profit education supporters to boost student inspiration and academic preparation


Job Training , Vocational Counseling


114th partnership:the largest program of mcbre is the 114th partnership, which fosters effective collaboration between educators and industry outside of the immediate mcbre service area. The 114th partnership offers two primary projects, spark 101 and pathway ready. Spark 101, launched in may 2013, is a free resource that provides secondary stem educators with a library of video based, interactive "real world" problem solving linked to future careers. Spark served over 10,000 students in its first year of operations. Pathway ready, still in field testing this year, provides a system level growth model to inform pro bono subsequent pro bono industry engagement. Pathway ready has been utilized in smaller sized california and michigan districts who principally serve low socio-economic status students. other programs:mcbre's building capacity program seeks to incorporate industry best practices intoschool operations to support the mcps system's goal of efficiently and effectivelyutilizing resources. By tapping into the best of business intellectual capital, these programs and activities empower mcps administration to: o effect operational efficiencies that move existing budget dollars to the classroom o improve the ability for school staff to better operationalize their own initiatives o address common issues of workforce development and organizational changemcbres annual awards celebration event, champions for children is a county-wideevent designed to recognize and reward the top teachers, administrators, and supporting service employees in mcps as well as the volunteer parent and business community that support them. student programs:student emerging leaders (selp)(10th graders) with a goal of developing the next generation of black and hispanic leaders in this country, selp provides high school sophomores the opportunity to connect what they are learning in their national, state, and local government class with current public policy issues, while also helping them to learn invaluable professional skills that can be applied to their future schooling and careers. Young professional conference (11th graders) an annual professional styleconference for 900 high school juniors in mcps career pathway programs.

